About my projects and life: Gardening, birdwatching, fiber arts, weaving, knitting, spinning, tablet weaving, quilting, woodworking

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pulled off loom

I got the butterfly mug ruggs pulled off the loom.
There is a picture so you can see how much room I left between the motifs.
The butterfly at a slant I did first. I found out that my graphed pattern was too long.
I regraphed the butterfly, and tried again. The second attempt went much better.
I pulled the butterfly warp off my PVC loom and put it on bars for a backstrap.
I was able to get a tighter weave.
The third attempt went a lot smoother, but I started on the wrong pick, so my whole design was shifted over one warp, making the butterfly touch the frame.

To finish these butterfly mugrug, I will zig-zag stitch by hand with sewing thread to secure the last warp.

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